About us

The Foundation

Forum EUROPA Luxembourg is a private non-profit foundation under Luxembourg law whose registered office is in the City of Luxembourg. It was founded on 5 March 2002. The foundation’s objective is “the specific promotion of science, education, research and culture”. This also involves measures “which serve the economic and social development of the Greater Region of Saarland, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Rhineland Palatinate, the Walloon region, and the French and German communities of Belgium”. The foundation’s objective is pursued through “the realisation of projects, events and measures which allow the individual sub-regions of the Greater Region to move closer together. In addition, it is also pursued through the support of institutions and collaboration with organisations aligned with the foundation’s objective and whose sphere of influence is within the core region described above.”

With its successful and ongoing involvement in accordance with its articles of association, the foundation remains closely linked to the activities and intentions of its founder, Arno Krause (†2018). Born in Saarland in 1930, he was a committed European from the very beginning who worked tirelessly for European understanding and peaceful cooperation in Europe. In 1954, he laid the foundation for the European Academy Otzenhausen in Saarland, a prominent educational establishment which is still held in high regard far beyond the borders of Europe today. A network of non-profit foundations emerged around the European Academy, which goes by the name “Partners for Europe”. The common aim of the partners in this association is the promotion of European politics, economics, culture and sustainable development. The European Academy Otzenhausen is a central place for the activities of the “Partners for Europe”.

What we do


Let’s Talk About Europe – Auf dem richtigen Weg? Europäische Werte auf dem Prüfstand: Ein Blick auf Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Demokratie in der EU

Auftaktveranstaltung der Reihe “Let’s Talk About Europe”

Format: Präsenzveranstaltung
Participant group:

interessierte Öffentlichkeit

Teilnahme nur nach Anmeldung und erfolgter Bestätigung möglich – die Plätze sind begrenzt.

Date: 12.03.2025, 19.00 Uhr
Location: Foyer Européen, 10 Rue Heinrich Heine, L-1720 Luxemburg
Organizer: Europa-Union Luxemburg